Tories are selling your assets – say farewell to Old House

Ward councillors looked on in horror last week when the Tory administration, despite a vote to the opposite in 2012, decided to sell The Old House in Shenfield Road.
Cllr Ross Carter, Brentwood North said:
"I am so disappointed that this historic building, a real jewel in the crown in Brentwood's assets has been put up for sale to the highest bidder.
"I have been fighting to keep this building since 2008 when I was first elected and last year, Old House had a reprieve but now, without a number of key reports available - such as English Heritage's view - they now intend to sell off something special.
"What's next?"
At the debate, held in confidential session despite Cllr James Sapwell (Lib Dem, Brentwood North) asking for it to be held in public and to be webcast, opposition councillors maintained that Brentwood Council should keep the asset and allow it to bring in a revenue stream after restoration.
Sadly, but not surprisingly, the Conservative administration failed to listen to views from ward councillors and the concerns raised with them by residents.
Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall said:
"This is a double U-turn from the Tories and residents heads must be in a spin as they fail to carry through what they promised. The Lib Dems campaigned to keep Old House in 2008 and got overruled the decision was over-turned in 2012 and Old House was set to remain a council asset and then, last week, they changed their minds again.
"Another example of this administration completey losing their way."