Tories can´t be trusted on the NHS
Cllr David Kendall, parliamentary spokesman, has echoed the comments of Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary Norman Lamb MP following David Cameron´s NHS announcement. Mr Lamb said:
"All today's announcement confirms is that the Tories can't be trusted with the NHS and have every intention of playing fantasy politics all the way up to the election.
"The NHS is facing enormous shortfalls in funding over the next few years yet the Tories continue to promise extra health spending without any details of where the money will come from.
"The time has come for David Cameron to be honest with the British public. If the Tories want to pledge extra spending on health in some areas then they must admit that without extra funds it will lead to cuts in frontline services elsewhere. And if they plan to remove all central targets how do they intend to prevent a return to the waiting lists of old?
"The sad truth is that David Cameron knows his health policies don't add up. How else do you explain the sudden U-turn on their flagship single rooms policy?"

Cllr David Kendall said:
"One of the biggest concerns the electorate have is the future of the NHS. It´s time the Tories were honest with the British Public rather than just headline grabbing and making promises that they will be unable to keep.
"By contrast, the Liberal Democrat Health policy strives for a comprehensive health service, which treats all people equally, and is free when we need it.
- An end to wasting money on bureaucracy to invest in frontline services allowing doctors and nurses to spend time caring for patients rather than trying to meet government targets.
- Allowing local people to have a say in how the NHS is run rather than decisions, on matters such as hospital closures, being made in Whitehall.
- Personal care based on need not the ability to pay.
- Scrapping central targets and guaranteeing that you get your treatment on time.
- Putting doctors and nurses back in charge of their hospitals and wards."