Tories' Essex youth service cuts allowed to proceed

Major cuts to Essex Youth Services will now go ahead. The Conservative majority on a scrutinycommittee on Wednesday 11 March agreed to not oppose the cuts, after they were approved by Essex County Council's Cabinet.
The Liberal Democrat Opposition group had tabled an official "Call In" notice after the Cabinet meeting and Lib Dem Councillors Theresa Higgins, David Kendall and Jude Deakin made the casefor not proceeding with the cuts.
The cuts include deleting at least 25 full time youth worker posts, people who play a vital mentoring and support role for young people in Essex.
The Liberal Democrats mounted a scathing attack on the plans. They said:
1. There was no discussion before the Cabinet decision of how the new service will work.
2. The county council expects the voluntary sector to step in to run services they are cutting,but there are huge concerns about whether enough volunteers will come forward to be properly trained.
3. The county council expects the youth service to raise £800,000 a year income or else face further cuts, but little evidence has been given of how this will happen.
4. The youth services will not be monitored properly in future.
5. The local Youth Strategy Groups (one for each of the 12 Essex Districts) do not have enough funding or decision making powers.
6. Community leaders are just having the problem dumped on them to sort out.

The county's Lib Dems have made standing up for young people the centrepiece of their attack on various Conservative decisions recently. In their budget amendment on 11 February they identified surplus cash that could have been used to protect youth services and keep bus passesfor college students, but these rescue plans were rejected outright by the Conservatives.
Cllr David Kendall said:
"Many residents cannot understand how Essex County Council is willing to spend £19 million on interim staff over the last two years but can only find £3.4million to fund the Youth Service budget for the whole of Essex. The Tories have got ther spending priorities all wrong. Essex County Counci is cutting funding to its Youth Service when other counties such as Hertfordshire and Suffolk are investing more it just doesn't make sense. The result of these cuts will see Essex losing experienced youth service professionals when we need them out there in our communities more than ever. The Tories should hang their heads in shame"