Tories sending mixed messages on recycling

Brentwood's Liberal Democrat councillors have expressed concern that the Council is sending out mixed messages to residents when it comes to encouraging more recycling.
The two areas of concern related to the 25% increase in the cost to residents who wanted to buy extra biodegradable sacks. The increase sees them go from £1.50 per wrap of 10 to £2 per wrap of 10. The other was the increase in the cost of hiring a Garden Waste Bin which sees the cost per annum go from £35.00 to £38.00 an 8% increase.
Councillors David Kendall and Barry Aspinell called for a freeze on these two specific charges to try and encourage more recycling and to help local pensioners who are the main users of the Garden Waste Bins.
Cllr Barry Aspinell said:
"I have been concerned about the cost of hiring a garden waste bin for sometime.
"Whilst the current £35.00 per annum fee may include fortnightly emptying, residents who have supported this scheme for years will have paid for their bins many times over. To hit them with another 8% increase particularly when many of the users are pensioners is in my view totally unnecessary.
"I would like to see this charge frozen for this year and a full review of scheme going forward to try and encourage a greater take up by local residents."
Cllr Kendall said:
"The income the Council receives from the sale of extra biodegradable sacks is relatively low at £18k, but the benefit we can achieve my encouraging even more recycling has to make freezing the charge for this year a sensible option.
The Liberal Democrats suggestion to freeze the charges on these two specific items was rejected by the Conservative majority on the Panel.