Tories' Taxi Licensing decision called in for scrutiny

At the request of Cllr Karen Chilvers, a decision on Taxi Licensing has been called in to the Overview & Scrutiny Panel on the grounds of inadequate and insufficient information and because due processes were not observed.
At the January 2010 meeting, a final decision was made that Licensed Taxi operators would no longer be subject to annual licenses and Criminal Record Bureau checks and that the licenses and CRB checks would now be for two years.
Cllr Chilvers said:

"The decision was made without the provision of a full officers report as recommended at the previous licensing meeting in October. At that meeting, the matter came before members for information only and officers recommended that a report should to be considered alongside the next review of fees and charges. However, Conservative members moved straight to a vote to recommend two year licences although they had no details before them.
"Sadly, the report has never been forthcoming and the decision at the January meeting was made solely on the basis of fees which left no option but to call the decision in.
"There are two major issues here. One regarding the safety of the people who use taxis, who may be vulnerable and put at risk if an unscrupulous licensee slips through the net and then has a window of two years before an offence comes to light and also for taxi drivers, who may benefit from a reduced cost of a three year license. It is of course possible that two years may be appropriate, but we need to see the facts.
"I stress that my actions are not anti-taxi drivers, my own brother-in-law is a cabbie, but without a full report, setting out the pros and cons of one, two or three year licences, this decision should not have been made."
The request was supported by Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors on the Overview & Scrutiny committee and will be heard at the next available committee meeting.