Tory councillor's sexist comments BACKED by Tory Leadership
Today, almost two weeks after the comments hit the headlines, Cllr Roger Hirst backed Cllr Chris Hossack's comments regarding the Night Time Economy in an alarming statement that claims to have the backing of all the 21 Conservative councillors.

The Liberal Democrats have formally called for action to replace Cllr Hossack as Chair of the Night Time Economy Group. Here, Cllr Barry Aspinell responds to Cllr Hirst's statement:

I was a local resident in Brentwood during the 60s revolution. I say revolution as fashion, music, and culture was changing the face of our high streets and the way we behaved. Ways not necessarily seen before, as it was an era of protest, anti-war demonstrations and rebellion over the restrictions placed upon us by our parents' generation.
Whether it was because of the austerity of growing up through the war years, or just lack of education because of the war, my parents' generation seemed to have reverted to the Victorian outlook with regard to their offspring's upbringing. We had to bear the brunt of ridicule and jibes simply because, as young men, we decided to wear our hair long and our jeans tight. We were the forerunners of today's very successful music and fashion industries, but it came at a cost, and I do not want to see that type of bigotry revisiting upon another generation.
Cllr Chris Hossack's ridiculous and irresponsible views on the young women that come to Brentwood to experience the 'TOWIE town' have done nothing to support our visitors, merely subjected them to pulpit bashing prejudicial remarks.
I personally believe one of the most beautiful things on earth is a woman and the girls growing up in my generation introduced many forms of fashion. They had backless tops, mini-skirts, tight ribbed jumpers, hipster jeans and hot pants and were resplendent and happy within themselves when wearing them.
Cllr Hossack's remarks denigrate young women to refer to them as 'putting it out there' and a 'meat market' and do not belong in a modern society. I was hoping that there would be a retraction by Cllr. Hossack and an apology made, both generally and to the young men and women involved in the TOWIE programme, who have done a lot to bring trade into Brentwood, but that doesn't appear to have happened.
In fact, I hear today that Deputy Leader Cllr Roger Hirst and his fellow colleagues in his Conservative party are backing everything he said.
A sad day for us all.
Cllr Barry Aspinell
Leader, Brentwood Liberal Democrat Group