Tory councillor says NO to visitors

In an astonishing story that appeared on the BBC yesterday, Conservative councillor Chris Hossack, who in 2013 called for cheap taxis for girls in short skirts, effectively told people that they were only welcome in Brentwood if they were from Brentwood.
In a quote reminiscent of "The League of Gentleman"'s shop for local people, he said that Brentwood was "for Brentwood people".
Cllr Barry Aspinell, leader of the Lib Dem group, said:
"This is utterly unhelpful to the small businesses and venues in Brentwood who have benefitted from TOWIE visitors for years. We currently have visitors coming to our wonderful town from all over the UK and yet the Conservatives seem determined to undermine and destroy it.
"We speak regularly to shop keepers here who have welcomed the additional trade that has come via TOWIE.
"Not only does Chris Hossack think he has the right to tell people how to dress, he now thinks he can decide who comes here at all."
Cllr Aspinell confirmed that the Lib Dems would continue to welcome visitors to our town and encourage tourism and trade to the town, both for its history and recent fame.