Tory-run Brentwood Council shamed as "worst in Essex" by audit report

A shocking report from the Audit Commission and other bodies puts Brentwood Borough Council as the lowest rated district or borough council in Essex and amongst the twelve worst in the country.
The Comprehensive Area Report which looks at how well local services are meeting the needs of the people they serve gave Brentwood a "1" rating which is given to an organisation that does not meet minimum requirements and performs poorly and is a woeful indictment of this Conservative administration.
Particular areas of concern highlighted in the report were the Council:
- Use of resources
- Governing the business
- Managing resources
The report also highlighted the fact that Brentwood has a chronic shortage of affordable homes. Only 24 were provided during 2008/09 compared to 57 the previous year.
The one area the Council has shown some improvement is in recycling and street cleaning but, ironically, the Chairman responsible for that area has now resigned.
Commenting on the poor results, Lib Dem Group Leader Cllr David Kendall said:
"The Conservatives have been running Brentwood for the last five years and it is time they took some responsibility and stopped blaming everyone else for this sorry state of affairs.
"This shocking report following on the heels of the one highlighting the dire state of the Council's finances is further proof if proof is needed that this administration is in total disarray and has run out of steam.
"Our residents deserve much better than what they are getting at the moment. My Lib Dem colleagues and I will continue to hold the Tories to account and demand that action is taken to turn things around as quickly as possible."