Trip hazard pavement is repaired

A 'trip hazard' along Brentwood High Street has been repeaired after a local councillor highlighted the problem. Councillor David Kendall called on Essex County Council Highways to 'urgently repair' the section of pavement outside the Oxfam shop on Brentwood High Street back in August. After a number of paving stones had become loose along the High Street, Essex Highways repaired the section by filling them in with tarmac.
Cllr Kendall described the pavement as an "eyesore" at the time. "The High Street was refurbished about six years ago costing about £10million," he said. "It was said at the time there were spare materials that would be kept at a location, so that when the High Street was dug up any materials taken out can be replaced. When it was filled in with tarmac it was an eyesore, after all that money had been spent it should be repaired properly."
After Cllr Kendall's call for the section of the High Street to be repaired with the 'correct' materials, the tarmacked sections were replaced with paving stones. "I'm delighted it has been repaired, I'm very pleased it has been done and that they acted on my request," he said. "My concern is that the materials have been kept, and I have been given assurances that there are spares of the materials for the future".