Undecided voters hold the key in Brentwood & Ongar"

David Kendall, Liberal Democrat challenger in Brentwood & Ongar has welcomed the poll in today's Brentwood Gazette which shows the Liberal Democrats a strong second to Conservative Eric Pickles but says the only poll that really matters is the one on Thursday.
While the poll showed that Eric Pickles was in the lead, the high numbers of people who are still genuinely undecided means that there is still everything to play for in the last full day of campaigning, especially when 60% of undecided voters are "more likely" to vote Liberal Democrat.
David said:
"The Gazette poll confirms that the Liberal Democrats are the only serious alternative to Eric Pickles and the Conservatives in this constituency so if residents want real change I hope they will give me their support.
"With so many people still undecided on who to vote for, the final result is wide open and there is everything to play for. Over the next twenty four hours my team and I will be working flat out to convince the undecided voters to come over to us and try and appeal to Labour voters who want progressive change that the Liberal Democrats provide the best alternative.
"Remember, Lib Dem Don Foster beat the Tory party Chairman Chris Patten in Bath in 1992 - the same thing could happen here"