Vince Cable's 2009 Almanac: He was right about 2008, so what does he think will happen next year?

To many of us, Christmas has seemed much as always - the rush for presents, the heaving shops, shoals of cards, family get-togethers and too much food.
But some of my constituents tell a different story. There is already a thread of anxiety running through the seasonal cheer and in the next 12 months we will see a dramatic deterioration in economic conditions.
The public mood will change as people gradually realise that we are in the economic equivalent of wartime.
A generation has grown up expecting a predictable future, a boring one even.
There has been a steady improvement in living standards, full employment, rising house prices and reliable, solid banks.
Yet within a few months, the world has turned upside down.
The people I meet are worried, frightened, cross and, above all, confused as to what is going on, how we got here, and what is the sensible thing to do.
Should we all spend more to keep the economy going, they ask, or should we stop spending and save more to reduce personal debt?
Should the Government be spending on our behalf to keep people in work or is that storing up the pain of higher taxes and inflation?
Is the top priority to help people in debt and those facing home repossession, or should we help those who have seen their private pensions and interest on their savings disappearing?
Is a falling pound good for the economy by helping exports or bad by penalising people who travel abroad?
The honest answer is that even the most clever and public-spirited people are divided on these issues.
Decisions must be made amid great uncertainty. When I worked for a multinational oil company - supposedly advising on the future - I was always reminded of the Arab saying: 'Those who claim to forecast the future are lying, even if by chance they are later proved to be right.'
Yet even if predictions are rash there are some deeper trends that are already in train and will be all too evident in 2009.
Few of them are optimistic. Unemployment will rise perhaps to three million. A lot of those who lose their jobs face losing their houses unless the Government steps in more decisively than it has so far.
House prices will fall further to, perhaps, 40 per cent below their peak and will soon begin to look cheap.
A lot of companies will bite the dust - retailers, construction firms, the travel industry and big football clubs will go the way of Woolworths.
The battle for survival will also be thoroughly nasty. Constituents in precarious jobs tell me that their bosses are cutting their wages, not paying their salaries or worsening their conditions of employment.
A worker in the film industry and a building subcontractor both told me this week that they are reluctantly accepting big pay cuts to hold on to work.
There is a danger of the vulnerable being trampled underfoot. Charities report a drastic reduction in income at a time when they are expected to do more.
Not that everyone will lose out in 2009. It could be like the Thirties, when those in work were enjoying rising living standards, boosted by low or negative inflation. The Jarrow marchers, meanwhile, were destitute.
At present, those on tracker mortgages are enjoying the cheapest rates for a generation. Some savers are doing well.
My wife Rachel, who claims to know nothing about money, put her savings into a two-year fixed interest deposit account - at six per cent - with a traditional building society, while I thought I was being clever investing in shares and now daren't open the envelope telling me what they are worth.
Pensioners on a basic state pension with small savings will struggle as always, but at least the cost of living will be lower in the coming months.
Moreover, their pensions will be calculated according to the high inflation figures of the autumn rather than the lower rates prevailing now, so their incomes will be boosted.
Heating bills have been shockingly high but will now fall again. Petrol is also cheaper.
And for those in secure jobs with decent employers and with low debts, there are few worries.
Life looks especially good for those in safe public-sector jobs who have the additional bonus of a generous pension scheme.
Pain will be concentrated on those whose businesses have gone to the wall, those with insecure jobs and those with excessively large mortgages and other debts.
There is a danger of a big gulf opening up in society between those who are not touched by the recession and those who are seriously damaged by it.
The Government is getting credit for taking action, belatedly, but it must not throw around taxpayers' money carelessly; ultimately we all pay in higher taxes or inflation or both.
That is why the temporary VAT cut was a bad idea - it gave the impression that £12billion of revenue could be tossed away to pay for a Christmas binge.
That is why we also have to worry about Ministers waving a chequebook around when failing companies come visiting.
It is easy to sympathise with those in the car and car component industry appealing for government help. But if cars, then why not cement or chemicals, or shops for that matter?
Are Woolworths' workers any less deserving? Governments simply cannot go down the road of propping up every industry in trouble.
There is a fundamental difference between bailing out specific companies and supporting the banks.
Governments, including our own, are trying to save their banking systems, not to be nice to bankers but because banks supply the oil that keeps the economic engine going. If banks fail, everything else fails.
A better idea is carefully targeted public investment that creates a long-term asset for the taxpayer, generates employment and, hopefully, does something useful such as improving the environment.
In America, President-elect Obama has shifted the balance of argument in favour of governments acting decisively rather than watching the crisis unfold.
His 'green New Deal' has the right flavour and we should aim to do something similar here.
There is plenty of scope for investing in the overcrowded rail system and alleviating the dreadful shortage of affordable housing for families on average incomes.
The absolutely central task for the New Year is restoring normal bank lending.
I was one of the first people to identify and criticise greedy, foolish bankers, long before this crisis. But we are now well beyond the point where it is useful to lecture them further or lock them all up.
David Cameron's moral indignation is several years too late.
What is now needed is action to get the banks lending again, yet they are given contradictory signals by government: lend more to small companies and house buyers; lend less and build up reserves; cut your lending rates; repay taxpayers' loans as quickly as possible.
Ministers should set out their priorities clearly and instruct the banks to follow them since they are now, even if not nationalised, dependent on the Government for survival.
In the New Year the Government may have to take more direct control of the banks; to restructure them, stripping out their casino operations; and ensuring that banks do their job of lending to sound businesses and households.
We must recognise the need for government to act and invest, to keep the economy afloat in the current emergency conditions but to prepare us psychologically for a period beyond in which there has to be much greater financial discipline, both public and private.
There is, however, a deeper and bigger question: how to maintain a sense of national unity and purpose while the crisis unfolds.
There is a vacuum of leadership waiting to be filled. Even if all the steps taken by governments work, it will take time to produce results.
Next year will be like an economic battle in which there are mounting casualties coming back from the front line but no sign of victory.
I believe the public will see the need to 'stick together' and, in particular, will expect the political parties to rise above the usual petty, tribal bickering.
There will be calls for a 'government of national unity', to get political adversaries round a table working together rather than pointing fingers at each other.
There must, of course, be vigorous debate and public accountability, as well as unity, but I think the public senses that this is not what they are getting at the moment.
I see the personal and party animosities played out every week at Westminster and wonder if the political classes are capable of grasping the enormity of the crisis we are in and the challenge to us to behave differently.
If we do not, the public will become seriously angry. We know from history that such anger can lead to extremes.
Beyond the narrow confines of party politics there will be, I believe, a change in public morality that may last for a long time: a strong reaction against the culture of gambling that has brought financial institutions to their knees; a renewed faith in manufacturers, engineers, scientists, inventors and genuine wealth creators rather than spivs playing the money markets and exploiting tax havens; a greater respect for personal self-reliance, whether it is prudent saving or growing our own food; a rejection of ostentatious unearned wealth of the kind flaunted by the Russian oligarchs and Arab sheikhs who treat Britain as their second home.
It will no longer be acceptable for Ministers and mandarins (or MPs and peers) to have a feather-bedded existence, with large, protected pension pots, like First World War generals enjoying the comforts of a chateau at the rear while their men are fighting in the trenches.
Church leaders currently seem to grasp this new reality better than politicians.
There is a vacuum of leadership waiting to be filled by those who can translate a craving for fairness and the sharing of pain into the economics and politics of every day life.
Remember that these new privations would not have impressed the generations who came before us.
Their lives were a great deal more taxing than ours today. So don't despair. At some point we will emerge from the economic gloom, although it is hard to predict quite when, and, provided we learn our lessons, we should be a stronger and better nation.
This is our chance to promote common sense, stability and the fair treatment of our fellow citizens. A happy and prosperous New Year to you all.
Vince Cable MP