'We've not been told about flats plan'

A COUNCILLOR has criticised Brentwood Council for not notifying residents about a plan to build 71 flats on their doorstep.
Lib Dem councillor Karen Chilvers wants Brentwood Council's planning department to send out formal letters to residents living close to the old NV Tools site, on the corner of St James Road and Station Approach, in the town centre, warning them about the proposed development for the site.
Two weeks ago, the Weekly News revealed plans by developer Taylor Wimpey to put up a seven-storey block of flats on what is currently a patch of green land.
Under the plans, there will be 32 one-bedroom and 39 two-bedroom flats, and 40 parking spaces.
Twenty-five of the flats will be affordable housing.
This comes after last month's council decision to approve plans by developer Crest Nicholson to build 53 homes on the nearby former gasworks site, in Wharf Road and St James Road.
This is in addition to the 200 homes which the developer already has permission to build as part of the Base development.
Ms Chilvers has already launched a petition opposing the development, and said she was shocked to discover the council had only sent out letters notifying a small number of residents.
She said only people living at numbers one to 83 Brunel House, one to eight Kings Eight, one to seven Railway Square, Highway House, and also Premier Inn, had received letters.
She said: "In my view this is simply not enough. It transpires very few people have been consulted, and that includes the four original St James Road properties, Botham House, which is next door to Brunel, and the entire length of Rollason Way, Wharf Road and Chase Road.
"The development would affect all these people and they should be formally notified."
Emmeline Smith, a spokesman for Brentwood Council said the council had fulfilled normal procedures regarding notifying residents The application is due to be discussed by the planning committee in September.