What we have done so far!
Since we formed the Joint Administration in May, we have been working hard for residents to make Brentwood a greener, safer, and fairer Borough. This is what we have achieved so far;
Our Clean & Green committee have been busy cleaning up our Borough and doing our bit for the environment, with the Council having first declared a Climate Emergency.
Subsequently, your Council voted to address environmental nuisances in Shenfield and Hutton, working with Network Rail and others, and to make nature recovery a top strategic priority in Brentwood.
We will plant more trees locally and support our parks and public green spaces like woodlands. We will also hold a Borough-wide tree safety and maintenance survey after 25 years of Tory neglect.
Solar panels have been ordered for the roof of the Brentwood Centre, additional allotment spaces will be provided, and 1000 tons of fly tips have been cleared up across Brentwood.
Toilets in Brentwood High Street, previously shut for an extended time, will soon be re-opening. We have ordered that Essex County Council undertake an audit on the condition of Brentwood High Street, and, working with stakeholders, we will work to improve it – together.
Working with Essex Police, our High Streets will be classified as ‘hot spots’ in the Safer Essex Programme. We secured £200,000 in additional policing measures for our local communities. A Red Route is being agreed upon between the Borough, Essex County Council, and the South Essex Parking Partnership.
We have taken control of our finances and are dedicated to improving revenues, while reassuring residents that your money is safe in our hands – and will remain so under a Lib Dem Council. Tory financial speculation failed in Thurrock. We won’t let it happen here.
We have created Business Improvement Districts that will breathe new life into Brentwood, Ingatestone, and Shenfield town centres.
Brentwood has been neglected for too long. Residents voted for change in Brentwood. We, therefore, have started to put this right. We are proud of what we have achieved in the last six months.