William Hunter Way: a missed opportunity

Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall has expressed disappointment and sadness after the planning application for a Cinema, shops and a multi storey car park on William Hunter Way was railroaded through by the Conservative administration at the Full Council meeting.
During the debate Cllr Kendall said that members across the chamber wanted to see a Cinema return to Brentwood and all accepted that some form of development was going to be built on the site. However he couldn't support this application because it's size, scale and mass was far too large and it had failed to address many serious concerns that had been raised by residents.
He also expressed his frustration that the Council had rejected his call for a Borough wide public consultation to be undertaken on the application. Cllr Kendall said:
"The Council could and should have been united cross party on the William Hunter Way project but there was no way that I or my colleagues could vote for this particular application.
"It's size, scale and mass will make it a monstrosity in the centre of our town and it will make us look like Romford or Basildon.
"I was very disappointed that residents' genuine concerns were dismissed out of hand by the Conservative administration and I believe over time they will come to regret the way they have handled this issue.
"While it was very sad to lose such an important vote, I was proud of the way my Liberal Democrat colleagues spoke up on behalf of all the residents who wanted to see something better for our town"