William Hunter Way development: debate returns to council

A debate on William Hunter Way and the development proposed for the current car park will take place on Monday 26th November 2012 at 7pm in the council chamber.
The item for debate was tabled at full council in October but the Conservative Mayor refused the request for the item to be discussed there and then. The administration attempted to move the item to a panel meeting, forcing members of the opposition to envoke a clause in the council's constitution to call an additional meeting of all council members, at a an additional resource cost to the council.
Members of the public can attend this meeting and make their views known to Liberal Democrat councillors by emailing WHW.debate@brentwoodlibdems.org.uk prior to the meeting.
The discussion item is:

"In light of recent speculation regarding the development of William Hunter Way,
on behalf of the residents of the borough and in the name of openness and
transparency, this council does urgently debate the current situation regarding the
development of the site and explores all options open to the council at this time."