William Hunter Way: formal site visit requested

Brentwood's Liberal Democrats have requested a formal site visit for the William Hunter Way planning application.
Site visits are usually carried out a few days before the committee meets to determine applications, although this was never organised for the William Hunter Way development for December's full council meeting.
Cllr Karen Chilvers, a member of the planning committee, said:
"I have asked the chair of planning for a formal site visit to take place, with an officer present to answer questions about the application site.
"The Lib Dem councillors on the planning committee represent the town centre and are fully aware of the application site and detail, but it was clear at the meeting in December that there were some who did not fully appreciate the size, mass, scale and composition of the application. I believe all councillors would benefit from this exercise and be better informed on planning considerations as a result.

"In the time I have been on this committee I have visited far less controversial sites, such as weighbridges on industrial sites. This is such a key decision that I feel it would be beneficial for all planning members, at least, to have a chance to formally view the site."
"So far, I have not received an enthusiastic response."