William Hunter Way: key dates

Brentwood's Liberal Democrats now have confirmation of the key meeting dates for the William Hunter Way development. They are:
Stakeholder Meeting
Thursday 29th January 2009 - 3pm until 8pm
Your opportunity to talk to officers and developers about the plans
Special Planning & Development Control Committee
Wednesday 18th February from 7pm
Councillors will debate the plans and VOTE on a recommendation to Ordinary Council
Ordinary Council
Wednesday 25th February 2009 following Special Policy at 7pm

Councillors will VOTE on the recommendation from Planning Committee and the application will be approved or refused.
All meetings will take place at the Town Hall, Ingrave Road, Brentwood.
The meetings on the 10th and 25th February are open to the public and available on a webcast from www.brentwood.gov.uk.
Cllr David Kendall, Lib Dem Group Leader, said:
"We are disappointed that a borough-wide consultation was not undertaken but hope that residents will attend the Stakeholder meeting and the two council meetings that will determine this application"