Pensioners hit with pest control charge
Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall has slammed Tory proposals to introduce a £15.00 pest control charge for pensioners in domestic premises faced with rat problems.
Lib Dem Leader Cllr David Kendall has slammed Tory proposals to introduce a £15.00 pest control charge for pensioners in domestic premises faced with rat problems.
DRIVERS are facing increased charges in car parks across Brentwood.
DRIVERS are facing increased charges in car parks across Brentwood.
Brentwood's Liberal Democrat councillors have expressed concern that the Council is sending out mixed messages to residents when it comes to encouraging more recycling.
MOTORISTS face a massive above-inflation increase in parking fees.
Conservative plans to introduce a 33% increase (£3.00 to £4.00) in car parking charges for residents and workers who want to park for up to five hours in Brentwood's William Hunter Way and the Coptfold Road Multi Storey Car Parks were roundly condemned by the Liberal Democrats at Tuesday night's Highways Panel meeting.