Ongar Road Closure - Message From Cllr Barry Aspinell
Message from County Councillor Barry Aspinell re Ongar Road Closure
Message from County Councillor Barry Aspinell re Ongar Road Closure
The elections this week didn't produce the set of results we wanted.
County Councillor for Brentwood South, David Kendall, is calling again for a speed camera to be installed on the Hartswood Road, Warley, on the section that runs alongside King George's Park. Hartswood Road has a 30mph limit and a Vehicle Activated Speed sign but that is making little difference to the numbers of vehicles that are travelling well in excess of that speed. The road was the scene of a fatality last year and there have been other fatalities further down in the woodland section. With the Borough Council investing millions of pounds into the new leisure facilities at King George's Park, David is very concerned that this will greatly increase the numbers visiting the park and increase the numbers parking in the nearby side roads that will desire to cross to get to the park. He said: "I have asked about having a speed camera installed in Hartswood Road in the past but was told the road didn't meet the criteria. I strongly believe that situation has now changed with all the development going on at Kin
Brentwood Conservatives released their manifesto yesterday. A manifesto setting out the actions they will take if elected. I thought it was worth a read and recording some thoughts that I have.
A resident in Brentwood South, living near Running Waters, contacted Liberal Democrats candidate Brenner Munden to report broken paving slabs on the Running Waters footpath.
Previously when asked why I vote, my response has always been along the lines of 'well if you don't vote you don't have a right to complain when things go wrong.' This strikes me now as a very negative way of looking at voting. My revised answer is that by voting in the election you can support a candidate who will represent your views and can influence the policy issues you care about. An election is also your chance to speak out if you have a complaint about the way the Parish/Borough/District/Country is being run. Voting is not the only way to participate but it's the quickest and easiest way. If you don't vote, you'll have had no say over who will be making decisions on the issues important to you.