73a Bus Service Saved
Following lobbying by County Councillor David Kendall, bus passengers and the Brentwood Bus & Rail Users Association, the 73a bus service that serves both Clements Park and Woodman Road has been saved. The Passenger Transport Department at Essex County Council has announced that following discussions they've had with Stephenson's Coaches (who operate services 71 and 72 on behalf of the County) the route and the timetable will be changed so that it serves both Clements Park and Woodman Road to replace the loss of service 73a during the week. It already operates there during the week. Buses will depart from Woodman Road to the town centre Mondays to fridays at 0952,1152,1352,1503, and 1718. In addition other buses will depart from Woodman Road to Brentwood Station at 1101 and 1301 where connections will be avilable with other services into the town centre. On Saturdays buses will depart from Woodman Road at 0952,1052,1208,1252,1408,1503,1603. I Buses depart from the High Street back to Woodman Road on Monda