Cllr Philip Mynott: A view on Wednesday's extraordinary council meeting
Cllr Philip Mynott offers a view on a disgraceful night of politics in Brentwood:
Cllr Philip Mynott offers a view on a disgraceful night of politics in Brentwood:
The announcement that there is going to be a consultation on Youth Service Provision across Essex by Tory controlled Essex County Council after all the major cutbacks in youth services in recent years is a cause for serious concern says Lib Dem County Councillor David Kendall. Cllr Kendall, who sits as a member on the Brentwood Youth Partnership, is only to aware of the serious cuts that our local youth service has had to endure over the last few years and is fearful that this consultation could lead to the end of a properly funded youth service as we know it. He said "The Tories want to push the main responsibility for providing youth services across Essex onto volunteers with fewer and fewer youth officers employed in a supporting role. I consider this move to be a recipe for disaster as I believe volunteers will always need the proper back up and support of experienced youth workers if they are going to try and fill the void left by skilled professionals with many years of service. "I would urge any reside