Tories miss the point on Year of the Volunteer
The Conservative Administration voted against Cllr David Kendall's move to make 2011 "The Year of the Volunteer" in Brentwood. The move would have resulted in a consolidated campaign to promote and…
The Conservative Administration voted against Cllr David Kendall's move to make 2011 "The Year of the Volunteer" in Brentwood. The move would have resulted in a consolidated campaign to promote and…
Following on from a statement by Eric Pickles MP, quoted in the local press as supporting Brentwood retailers in their efforts to get compensation from Essex County Council for the lost business they…
Liberal Democrats are committed to investment in renewable energy sources such as wind, wave and solar so, County Councillor David Kendall took the opportunity to join a group of members from Essex…
The introduction of pay and display car parking charges in Weald and Thorndon Country parks back in December 2003 caused a lot of local anger and frustration amongst park users, particularly those…
Last night's Annual General Meeting of Brentwood & Ongar Liberal Democrats was a real success, with record attendance and a lot of celebration amongst party members for a good year.
Vince Cable MP, Lib Dem Shadow Chancellor, was in Essex this week and spoke to Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman Cllr David Kendall about local issues, including the effect of the recession on local…
LIBERAL Democrat leader has accused the Conservative-run Brentwood Council of not taking responsibility over its accounting mess.
Brentwood & Ongar Liberal Democrats' website was named as Site of the Year 2009 at the Eastern Region Liberal Democrat conference on Saturday.
Liberal Democrat Leader Cllr David Kendall has slammed the Conservative administration running Brentwood Borough Council for the damning report they have received from the Audit Commission and has…
The Audit Commission have refused to sign off Brentwood Borough Council's accounts for 2008/9, saying that the Conservative administration have left them in too much of a mess. The council received…