Meet our 2021 County Council Candidates
County Council elections - Thursday 6 May 2021 In Brentwood there are four county divisions, each with one councillor. Councillors are usually elected for a four year term of office.
County Council elections - Thursday 6 May 2021 In Brentwood there are four county divisions, each with one councillor. Councillors are usually elected for a four year term of office.
County Councillor David Kendall and Lib Dem campaigner Brenner Munden are demanding that Essex County Council (ECC) takes immediate action to inspect and repair the sixteen potholes on the section of the Ingrave Road, Brentwood, between Orchard Avenue and The Avenue. The section of road has had a number of potholes repaired in the past but none of the repairs have lasted for long and it is once again a sea of defects. David has written to the Conservative Cabinet Member for Highways Cllr Kevin Bentley asking for a review of the materials used to repair potholes and the criteria for repairs. He has also asked if the section of road can be resurfaced. David said: This whole section of the Ingrave Road desperately needs resurfacing because the pothole repairs just aren't up to the job. In the past ECC has said it is making temporary repairs and then doing a full repair later. I say if you going to repair a pothole do it properly the first time and provide residents with the quality of service they have a right t
Brentwood's new recycling system has been blasted by Cllr Karen Chilvers over the woeful inadequacies offered to residents of flats across the borough. She has demanded that the Tory-controlled council find an alternate solution to fit, but her request was refused.
Martin Cuthbert has been selected as our candidate for the Warley borough council seat in May 2021.
Laura Carey, Hutton Central candidate, has lived in Brentwood since 2013 and has two teenaged children, both attending local schools. Laura works as a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and as a Specialist Mentor for university students with physical and mental health issues.
Way back in November 2018 the Tories voted for the version of Brentwood's Local Plan that they had been pushing to see happen. Their Plan contained (amongst other things) an excessively high concentration of sites allocated for housing development in Brentwood, Shenfield and Warley. The Lib Dems had, even then, been criticising these proposals for years because of our fundamental concerns about the impact that they would have on infrastructure in these areas - particularly roads, doctors surgeries and schools. And even in November 2018 the Tories knew that the version of the Plan they were voting for was not the version that could be submitted, because numerous pieces of work still needed to be finished (or even started), including the crucial studies which would show if these proposals could actually make sense. So, since it was the Plan they (and they alone) had approved they surely should have continued to pay close attention to the plan's evolution thereafter - in case any of the problems that the Lib Dem