Want to beat the Tory in Brentwood and Ongar? Vote Lib Dem!
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Tactical voting site GET VOTING says Vote Lib Dem! Try it here.
Update from Cllr Andy Fryd
Former Brentwood West councillor and past Mayor Shirley Howe passed away in the summer after a long and fulfilling life.
Cllr Karen Chilvers is in 'lively' dialogue with Essex Council over these signs in Weald Road that cause friction and could cause a head on collision.
A dispute between residents and Brentwood Council that has been going on for over six years will now be decided by a legal counsel, thanks to ward councillor Mark Haigh who has been working with residents on this since he was elected in May 2018.
A planning application in Fairfield Road, Brentwood West, will go ahead despite a local councillor asking for the matter to be heard at by the Planning Committee - a request denied by the ruling Conservatives.