Tories are selling your assets – say farewell to Old House
Ward councillors looked on in horror last week when the Tory administration, despite a vote to the opposite in 2012, decided to sell The Old House in Shenfield Road.
Ward councillors looked on in horror last week when the Tory administration, despite a vote to the opposite in 2012, decided to sell The Old House in Shenfield Road.
For two days, utter chaos has been caused by visitors to the Brentwood Centre's Koi Carp show with people parking dangerously on highway verges in Elizabeth Road, Sandringham Road and surrounding areas after the centre went ahead with their show, despite being unable to open their overflow car park due to waterlogging.
Lib Dems Cllr Karen Chilvers and Cllr David Kendall are supporting a #ShopWarley Day on Saturday 2nd February 2013, along with independent Warley councillor William Lloyd to support local traders on Warley Hill, Kings Road and Crescent Road.
Since the Tory administration took over from the Liberal Democrats in 2004 the council's waiting list for Housing has risen from 777 to 3,054 and yet there is no effective strategy in place to address the issue.
Writing in the Brentwood Gazette today, Cllr Karen Chilvers appeals for candidates who represent the Brentwood community to come forward: