The Brentwood Liberal Democrat Group is aware of a recent report involving the resignation of two Tory Councillors from their positions as Chair and Vice Chair of the Community, Health and Housing Committee. This followed allegations that senior officers at Brentwood Borough Council failed to keep Members of the Council informed of various issues within the Housing Department, and have fallen in their responsibility to implement decisions made by members of that Committee. Cllr Barry Aspinell, Leader of the Brentwood Liberal Democrat Group said: "The safety and well being of Brentwood residents is, and always has been, of the utmost importance to our group. Should it transpire there have been incidents where these governing principles have been compromised, those issues would need to be addressed urgently. I have not at this stage been provided with any evidence suggesting council officers have behaved inappropriately and it would be wrong of me to make judgements until all the facts have been clearly establ