Brentwood's Lib Dem County Councillors David Kendall and Barry Aspinell have expressed disbelief at the news that Tory controlled Essex County Council has had to hand back Β£700,000 to developers because they did not use the money on time. They are also shocked to hear that the County Council is sitting on a Β£42 million pot of unspent cash dished out by developers. The news came to light following a freedom of information request. The money relates to when planning permission is granted, developers often sign deals known as section 106 agreements with the Council. The contracts guarantee the payment of a certain sum, usually proportionate to the size of the development, to fund school, road or other infrastructure improvments in the surrounding area. However, many of the contracts have use it or lose it deadlines by which the money must be spent or handed back to the developer. Cllr David Kendall said: "Residents will find this situation inexcusable and unbelievable at this difficult economic time when tha