Tories bestow 23% pay rise on Brentwood's senior officer
It was revealed last night that as lower-paid staff face pay freezes and job losses, a 23% payrise has been given to Brentwood Council's most senior officer.
It was revealed last night that as lower-paid staff face pay freezes and job losses, a 23% payrise has been given to Brentwood Council's most senior officer.
"The court case to retain the public right of way from William Hunter Way to North Road Avenue was, unfortunately, lost. The magistrates said it was a very difficult decision to make and they certainly took a long time in recess making it.
Cllr Karen Chilvers will be presenting our petition to bring back an hour's parking charge to Brentwood at the full council meeting on Wednesday 10th July.
Cllr Liz Cohen has tabled the following motion, aimed at formulating a clear strategy for Shenfield's parking during the Crossrail construction:
Brentwood's Lib Dems are calling for the administration to introduce a strategy to manage our night time economy.
October is Black History Month - a chance to celebrate the Black British community, acknowledge their contributions and discover their stories.
Read Ed Davey's speech to the Liberal Democrats' Autumn Conference in Brighton
Carers are not just support for their loved ones—they are the glue holding our fragile social care system together. They deserve more than token acknowledgements or empty promises.